Publisher: SKY Agriculture

Legal form :
SARL Unipersonnelle with capital of 165,667.50 Euros R.C.S. RENNES 378.741.052

Head office : Les Portes de Bretagne
Parc d’Activités de la Gaultière
Tel: +33 (0)2 40 87 11 24

Publication manager: David GUY

Site design and production :
Agence Zoan, SARL with capital of €15,000, registered in the Nantes Trade and Companies Register under number 500 594 361. ZOAN’s head office is located at 20 rue Michel Grimault, 44110 Châteaubriant – France ( / 02 40 28 80 94 ).

Host: SAS OVH with capital of €10,000,000, headquartered at 2, rue Kellermann 59100 ROUBAIX (France) and registered 424 761 419 R.C.S. LILLE METROPOLE.

User: Any natural person, acting on his or her own behalf or otherwise (in particular as a representative of a legal entity) in a professional context, logging on to or browsing the site and/or using the associated functions and/or services, as the case may be.

Information/Personal Data: all information which allows, in any form whatsoever, directly or indirectly, the identification of the natural persons to whom it applies.

Service provider: any individual or legal entity, subcontractor or not, acting at the Publisher’s request, in particular to create, maintain, update and host Site, or even produce or provide Content.

Third party: any natural or legal person who is not directly or indirectly involved in the creation, maintenance, updating or hosting of the Site and who does not produce Content on behalf of the Publisher.

General Conditions of Use (GCU)/Legal Notice/ Privacy Policy: Documentation made available to the User by the Publisher in order to inform him/her of his/her rights and obligations.
The GCU govern access to the Site and the use of any features offered.
The legal notices meet the information obligations of the User of the  Visit
The privacy policy explains and justifies the collection and processing of the User’s Personal Data.

Content: All documents, information, images, text, logos, links, etc. or referenced on the  Visit

Legal or regulatory basis : Law no. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to information technology, files and freedoms, Law no. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 for confidence in the digital economy, CNIL recommendations, Regulation EU 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC known as the General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR, specific provisions of the Intellectual Property Code (CPI) and the Criminal Code (L. 226-16), as well as more generally any regulatory or legal provisions that may find application in such a case. The User declares that he/she has been informed that the legal notices/CGU of the Site should be considered as complementary information to, but inseparable from, the privacy policy, which can be accessed as follows this link and vice versa.

Site presentation

The primary purpose of this Site is to provide the User with information on the services that may be offered by the Publisher, as well as the services regularly performed on behalf of its customers.

Despite the care taken in editing, maintaining and updating the Site , the Publisher cannot be held liable for any omissions or deficiencies, whether caused by itself or by Third Parties or Service Providers.

All Content entered or referenced on the Site is provided for information only, is subject to change without notice and cannot be considered exhaustive. By logging on and/or browsing this Site and/or by using, as the case may be, the services that may be associated with it, the User unequivocally acknowledges prior full and complete acceptance of these terms and conditions.

These GCU may be modified at any time, without prior notice, and the User is therefore invited to refer to them regularly, ideally prior to any new connection.

Visit h ttps:// is in principle accessible to the User at all times; however, interruptions, whether foreseeable or not, may occur, whether for technical maintenance (insofar as possible, the Publisher will give prior notice to the User) or due to the failure of a Service Provider (e.g. host) or Third Party (e.g. power cut).

By connecting to the website , the User accepts that his/her Personal Data may be collected, processed and analyzed by the Publisher or any authorized Service Provider.

If the Site reference, through links or any other similar procedure, to third-party sites, the User acknowledges and accepts, without recourse on any grounds whatsoever against the Publisher, that his/her Personal Data may be retrieved, collected and/or processed by any Third Party. The User also acknowledges that he/she has been informed and accepts that, if he/she fails to provide certain Personal Data (or provides Personal Data that is totally or partially erroneous), his/her ”   User experience” may be limited (including the use of one or more services associated with the Site as the case may be) and/or that the Publisher is unable to respond or provides only a partial response to one or more of its requests.


As soon as the Site interactive spaces allowing the User to interact the Editor reserves the right, at any time, without prior notice or warning, to delete any content (document, text, image, etc.) likely to contravene legislation applicable in France, in particular that relating to the protection of Personal Data.

The User declares that he/she is aware of and accepts, where applicable, that he/she may be held civilly and/or criminally liable on the basis of legal action taken by the Publisher (or its counsel), any third party or authorized authority, in particular in the event of offensive, defamatory, racist or pornographic communication, etc…. regardless of the medium used.

In addition, the Publisher reserves the right to transmit to any authorized authority any Content posted by a User on the Site if it is likely to infringe French legislation.

The Publisher, the Host or the Integrator, except in the case of legal exceptions, cannot be held responsible, individually or collectively, for (in)direct damage(s), bugs, incompatibility, viruses, malware etc… suffered by the User’s equipment used to access the Site and/or its functionalities.

In the same way, the User expressly forbids any legal or similar action based on the loss of a chance or a market resulting from the use of the Site and/or any action taken by the Publisher following a request from the User.

In order to avoid any possible problems, the User undertakes to use recent, virus-protected equipment with a recent-generation browser to access the Site and its functionalities.

Intellectual property

The representation, reproduction, modification, publication or adaptation of the content of or of any of its elements is prohibited, regardless of the means or processes used, except with the prior written authorization of the Publisher.

Any User failing to comply with the above provisions may be brought before any competent court at the risk of being convicted, in accordance with the provisions of articles L.335-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code (CPI), on the basis of one or more offences, in particular those constituting counterfeiting.

In the absence of proof to the contrary, the Publisher is presumed to be the owner of the intellectual property rights or to have a legitimate right to use all the elements accessible on the Site (logos, graphics, software, texts, images, etc.).

The User is hereby informed that databases are protected by the provisions of the law of July 1, 1998 transposing directive 96/9 of March 11, 1996 on the legal protection of databases.

Third-party content

The site may provide access to content presented, created, developed, operated and/or distributed by third parties or through one or more hypertext links.

The Publisher, having no possibility to check it, modify it or have it modified, declines any responsibility, whatever title it is, for the contents made accessible by these links.


French law shall have sole jurisdiction, to the exclusion of conflict-of-laws rules, even if the User is legally domiciled outside France (including DROM, DOM-ROM, POM and Corsica) and/or is of foreign nationality and/or connects to the site. Site from outside France (DROM, DOM-ROM, POM, Corsica included).

In the absence of an attempt at amicable settlement, any dispute arising in connection with the Site or any of its elements will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts within the jurisdiction of the Court of Appeal of RENNES, even for emergency proceedings, notwithstanding multiple defendants or warranty claims.

Any request or complaint concerning the legal notices/CGU to be made via our contact form.